
Looking for an introduction to the topics of vitality and personal development? The Recharge Company offers a wide range of workshops within these subject areas.

Recharge Company’s workshops are interactive sessions that run for an hour and a half. During this time, participants receive concrete tools to use in their daily lives.
The combination of (accessible) scientific data and interaction results in new insights and skills that the participant can put into practice right after the session.

Find a complete overview of workshop options here:


Mastering Change

Our world has changed. Whether you’re ready for the new ‘normal’ or not, we can’t deny that our world is no longer the same and keeps changing at an unprecedented pace. This workshop promotes insight into what’s going on in our brains during these times of change, and what you can do to optimize that.
You learn what happens in the brain during change, and how to use that knowledge to your advantage.


Physical Recharge

The way we care for our bodies lays the foundation for how we move through the day. The exact same day can be difficult or heavy when you haven’t slept well. Moreover, nutrition and exercise has a huge impact on how you experience the day. In this workshop, we’ll explain the effects of your physical condition on your mental capacity and productivity, as well as how this influences your decision making.
You learn all about the impact of your physical condition on the diverse aspects of life.


Embracing Difference

Diversity and inclusion are hot topics, but we’re all aware of the fact that it’s an enormous challenge to create a diverse and inclusive culture. In Embracing Differences, you’ll approach D&I from a neuroscientific perspective. You’ll learn about the role that unconscious bias plays in decision making, and how it obstructs most D&I initiatives. By the end of the session, you will have acquired more knowledge about the prejudices that exist, more awareness about your own biases, and you’ll know what concrete steps to take to reduce them.
You learn what it means to be resilient, what you need to bolster your resilience, and you’ll reflect on your team’s collective resilience.


Beating Stress, Building Resilience

Stress is slowly but surely becoming one of the biggest dangers of our contemporary society. But is that really true? Being under too much stress too frequently is definitely an issue. However, a negative take on stress is even more problematic. That said, if you learn to recognize stress for what it is, you can put a positive spin on the situation. Based entirely on scientific insight, this workshop includes fun facts and also touches on management tips.
You can acknowledge stress (and its consequences) in a better way. You can also translate it into more positive responses, physically and mentally. And, not any less important is this: you’ll know how to support team members by creating an environment where people can grow and perform without risk.


Building Trust (in times of change)

During times of change, people suffer from uncertainty. This means that small events can cause breakdowns for your team and for individual employees. Thankfully, there’s a way to navigate the uncertainty, even when providing certainty is not an option. By working on trust. In this workshop, we explain why trust is so vital, and discuss the 8 pillars of trust in a professional environment.
You’ll understand the importance of trusting your team and know how to work on that trust.


Burn-out preventie (voor managers)

Burn-out is hot and that’s no good. The hard thing is that symptoms aren’t always as recognizable. Worse still is that many true burn-outs could have been prevented early on. As a manager, you have the most impact on team members. It can genuinely help to recognize the signals, know how to discuss them, and how to turn complaints into assets.
You’ll know more about the background, impact, and inner workings of burn-out. You’ll gain practical tools and insights to discuss negativity and excessive stress. You leave with an approach that allows your whole team to flourish again.


Email Management

On average, people spend 1/3 of their working hours on email. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to minimize that time. You’ll receive simple techniques to lessen incoming emails as well as insights about how to effectively organize your inbox so that you maintain an overview of what’s happening.
You’ll experience new, productive practices to structure your inbox and organize your calendar to feel more at ease – with your schedule and in your mind.


Empower working parents

As a working parent, you’re constantly giving. You’ve been doing the best you can to manage responsibilities for your family and your workplace. But what’s left for yourself at the end of the day, is often not nearly enough to keep functioning as a parent and professional. Exhaustion and burn-out are lurking.
By the end of this interactive workshop, you’ll know what you need to be well and resilient as a person and family. You’ll have received inspiration and concrete tips in order to move forward feeling energized with greater satisfaction and fresh ideas!


Energy Management

This workshop introduces your personal energy flow, according to scientific insights, trends, and exercises. You’ll learn about ”energy gainers” and ”energy drainers” and how to utilize these to your advantage. Expect an energetic experience that gives you plenty of insight into yourself!
You’ll get to work with your Personal Energy Plan, including teachable moments and challenges that you can apply immediately following the workshop.


Focus Mastery

Today, we’re more stimulated in the span of a day than people during the Middle Ages were during their whole lives. This workshop simplifies ”focus” as a subject by exploring various frameworks. After all, focusing is much less complex once you get how it works! Isn’t it strange that you were always expected to focus at school, without ever learning how to do it? You’ll also learn how to practice your focus and get into a flow state (in a productive way).
You’ll know how to (better) manage your energy and increase your focus. You’ll have practical tips to learn focusing, to get more done during the day, create more peace of mind, and maintain your energy while doing so.


Healthy insights for a clear mind

Energetic and focused working isn’t self-evident. Especially when you’re working from home. One of the tools that can help you is proper nutrition. By regulating your food, you can maintain your energy and stay focused without those well-known energy crashes. During this workshop, you’ll receive tips & tricks about accessible ways to use food for more energy and focus. We’ll also discuss the gut to brain connection. How do you best take care of your gut and therefore your brain?
You’ll know how to use food as a tool to improve focus and feel energized throughout the day. Also, you’ll understand the connection between your gut and brain and how you can stimulate your brain, and be more comfortable in your skin by using simple, practical tools!


Live/ life Balance

The boundaries between work and life are increasingly blurred (the pandemic has sped up this process even more). Finding balance has everything to do with making conscious choices. This workshop helps you gain insight into how you’re really spending your time (and whether it’s the way you’d want it to be). You’ll be looking at your own work/life balance and we’ll present the socalled “live/life balance”. Because: in addition to the 40 (or so) hours that you spend working, and the hours that you’re asleep, you have about 72 hours off to spend.
You can regain control of your calendar, at work as well as in life. You’ll have insight into the interaction between stress at work and your private/social life. After the workshop, you’ll have clear insight into how to take control back over your own life.


Mind Fitness

Take a moment to relax your mind. This workshop introduces you to a very down to earth view of mindfulness. Through insights about how your brain works, combined with practical exercises, you learn how to control your brain (better), and minimize your worries and doubts. You’ll also look at your own challenging moments, which helps you to better deal with emotional and/or mental challenges in the future.
You’ll know how to navigate doubt and worry in a mindful way and how to (better) control your brain. This workshop is highly interactive and walks you through various mindfulness exercises.


Personal Leadership

Are you a leader? We believe that everyone is a leader: consciously or unconsciously. The question is, what type of leader are you? Most people spend their day without being conscious of the kind of person they want to be for their colleagues, partner, or children. In this workshop, we work on mindfully choosing the life you’re leading and the impact that has on the resilience you experience during times of change and uncertainty.
You’ll come away with a better view of the person you are and how that influences your leadership style. You’ll have practical tips to change any aspect of life where you’re being reactive instead of mindful and you’ll be able to continue this after the workshop.


Productivity powerhacks for a healthier digital lifestyle

These productivity hacks include various methods and habits designed  to save your energy every day, practical solutions to minimize digital distraction, so that you can focus on what matters. By looking at these practical power hacks, such as cleaning up your digital life, prioritizing, focusing on low hanging fruit, and focusing on intentions instead of achievements, you’ll be equipped to adjust your personal style of working and experience better results.
You’ll know how to clean up your digital life, prioritize, stay focused on tasks, and reflect on intentions.


Science of Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important elements when we talk about wellbeing. You can eat healthy food and exercise regularly, but if you’re not sleeping well, you’ll never achieve optimal health. In this workshop, you’ll learn what exactly sleep is, why you sleep, and why it’s so important. Together, we’ll look at things that keep you awake and how this impacts you; now, in the short, and long term. This workshop, based on research, allows you to experience the rhythm of sleep through drums.
You’ll have knowledge about the science of sleep, the different sleep rhythms combined with brain waves and how to optimize your sleep. After the workshop, you’ll know what to do to get the most out of your night’s sleep.


Setting Priorities

Many of us make big plans and have great ideas, but are unable to turn them into reality. In this workshop, you’ll learn proven ways to stick with your priority list. This makes you more successful at finishing what you start! We introduce various models of scheduling and prioritizing and we’ll fill this out together. In addition, you’ll receive useful and concrete tips.
You’ve learned to stick with your priorities, to say “no,” and how to create a personalized schedule (and stick to it).


Successful Remote Working

We’ve been in this situation where virtual work is the new normal for a while now. But how do you work remotely in a good way? And how do you combine that with managing a team that works remotely also? This demands genuine connection. This online workshop provides you with concrete tools to make real connections with your team in a virtual world (through a combination of theory and practicing relevant skills). To know what’s really going on and thus improve the team’s enthusiasm and performance.
You’ll know how to share and bring in emotion in order to make (and maintain) connections with your team. You’ll be a better listener and experience greater trust within the team.


Time Management

When you ask someone how they’re doing, the answer is often: “busy”. These people have a feeling that they have a lot to do while getting nothing done,  which increases the feeling of pressure at work. In this workshop, the focus is on achieving results instead of finishing tasks. Also, you’ll experience the difference between being proactive and reactive.
This workshop helps you pinpoint why you feel busy, and teaches you how to create more peace of mind. Even when you have lots to do!



We breathe all day. But are we doing it right? Many people don’t breathe well, which influences your health, wellbeing, and productivity. This interactive workshop teaches you the background of breathing, and introduces simple exercises so you can experience the benefits for yourself.
After this workshop, you’ll know how to use breathing as a tool for your relaxation, or to get energized for specific tasks, and your overall wellness. You’ll reap the benefits for the rest of your life!
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